Duct Tape Goo: Uh Oh! Somebody left duct tape on the carpet!
You’ve probably had the frustration of trying to remove duct tape goo and other heavy stickiness from your carpet. You try all the usual carpet spotters to no avail.
The Solution:
A mild citrus based solvent that contains delimolene. This is the oil in the citrus peel that gives that wonderful orangey smell. Ask for a product containing this at your local home improvement store and follow the directions.
Sometimes after using such a product a brown color can appear over the treated area. Should this occur, use a little white distilled vinegar in a spray bottle of water (just enough to feel a change in skin texture when you rub your fingers together meaning you have lowered the ph from alkaline to acidic). Spray this on and lightly rub into the carpet. If the vinegar solution is too mild you may need to re- treat it again until the brown disappears.